The Mind is Not your Friend

“Happily, you donā€™t have to deal with the content of mind, because the only thing you have to notice about it, is that what itā€™s doing, itā€™s doing spontaneously. Itā€™s not the content of mind thatā€™s interesting at all, what is of interest is the process of mind, itā€™s going on of its own. It has nothing to do with you, couldnā€™t care less about you. Itā€™ll say very nasty things about you, you know what the mind does. ā€œYouā€™re guilty, youā€™re weak, youā€™re wasting your money, youā€™reĀ a creep!ā€ You canā€™t trust the mind at all, itā€™s not even your friend. Itā€™s not even a friend. It just goes on and willy-nilly says all kinds of, when it runs out of thoughts, itā€™ll say, ibbity bibbity boo, boppity, bop, bop, bop. Picture some erotic scene from some movie when you were a teenager. Itā€™ll think of something horrible about the future. Oh my, when the mind gets threatened with no thoughts, it really gets wild, itā€™ll just do anything crazy, think of stabbing yourself or something. You know, itā€™ll just do anything bizarre to keep going. When you look at the mind, then, donā€™t be bothered with it. Itā€™s an endless phantasmagoria. I like that word, phantasmagoria. It just proliferates endless BS.”

FromĀ  “Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques” June 2002 DVD, Disc 1


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