

One’s Commitment should be to God and Truth only.Ā  Teachers are to be respected, but devotion should be restricted to only the Truth. As Buddha said, “Put no head above your ownā€ meaning that one’s only true guru is the Self (the Buddha nature). The Self of the teacher and one’s own Self are one and the same. The teacher becomes a source of inspiration and information. It is the inspiration that supports the quest.

Does spiritual commitment mean one has to give up the world? No, of course not. It means merely that worldly life needs to be recontextualized, restructured, and envisioned differently. It is not the world that is a trap, but one’s attachment to it, along with one’s observations that cloud the search for Truth.Ā  Some attractions themselves are merely time wasters, while others are serious traps with grim consequences in which the unaware become immersed.Ā  On the other hand, it is sometimes only as the result of the sheer agony of one’s having gone astray that hitting bottom, letting go, and accepting better choices occurs.Ā  Therefore, one can never say it is wrong for anyone to follow any particular pathway for it may be the very means of their ultimate salvation, as painful as it may be.Ā  We can say with certainty that anything that fails to make one go strong with the muscle-test method is not a direction that a committed spiritual seeker of enlightenment wants to follow.

The Eye of the “I”, ch. 8, pg.162

5 thoughts on “Commitment”

  1. Recently on Youtube I heard Dr. Hawkins mention his experience with OCD. I have twin granddaughters who at puberty began to struggle with this. They too, are brilliant and multi talented. I wonder if you can refer me to anything more about this.
    Thank you,
    Kiva Davidson

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