The Capacity to Love

All spiritual pathways and religions emphasize the need for expanding our capacity to love, and this is essentially what the process of surrender is all about.Ā  By removing the blocks to love, the capacity to love self, others, and God is expanded.

Surrender also facilitates the basic teachings of all the world’s great religions.Ā  The essential goal of these teachings is to surrender the “small self,” commonly called “ego.” The letting go technique facilitates the goal of dissolving the small self by using a simple inner process of surrender.Ā  When the small self is transcended, the true inner Self shines forth.Ā  Let us take, for instance, the most common short means of expressions of this surrendering phenomenon as given by most religions.Ā  Typically, they follow this pattern:

Let go and let God

Be still and know that I am God.

Turn your life and will over to the care of God as you understand Him.

Surrender to what is, for God is in all things.

It is obvious that letting go of negativity facilitates the very direction that all religions and spiritual pathways urge us to take.Ā  The process of letting go is concerned primarily with feelings, and we have seen that feelings have a profound effect on our thoughts and belief systems.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 312-313

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