We Pray for that Inner Experience of Infinite Love

Everything we do and say, every movement we make, is energized by the lovingness that we have owned within ourselves.Ā  Whether speaking to a large audience or petting the dog, the energy of love is felt to be pouring out.Ā  We want to share what we hold in the heart as an experiential knowingness, and we hold it in the heart for everyone and everything, that they would be feeling it, too.Ā  We pray for that inner experience of infinite love for everyone around us, including the animals.Ā  Our life is a blessing to everything around us.Ā  We acknowledge to others and to our animals the gift that they are to us.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, pg. 26

This book can be purchased through Amazon.

3 thoughts on “We Pray for that Inner Experience of Infinite Love”

  1. Dear Susan, I am reading your book and full of gratitude that you wrote it. Your words remind me that the most extraordinary things in life are found in the ordinary, when we look. I have most of Dr. Hawkins books and wanted to purchase a few for friends and family only to find they are becoming harder to find. I bought what I could from Hay House and the rest from Amazon – actually bought all of them again to make sure I have 2 sets if needed down the road šŸ™‚ When the books published are sold, will they no longer be published? What is needed to keep the continuation of the publishing of the books? How can I help? At a pivotal time in my journey, following the death of my spiritual director/counselor and later my husband, I was at a scammy esoteric conference in Colorado. I went to leave as I did not like the conference but my sister ran out into the parking lot and shoved two of Dr. David Hawkins books into my hands. Later she did not remember buying them or running after me. Those two books gave me the answers I was seeking and set the future course for me. I have never found another teacher or healer like Dr. Hawkins. How do can I help keep his work alive? Rita Kenney, LPC [counselor] and ironically owner of Motility MLK Prosthetics (who would have thought life would lead me to hands on working with tools and plaster to help my new husband build prosthetic legs – loving it.)

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