We attract to us that which we emanate

Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all. It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads to loss or despair. It increases one’s own true power without exacting any toll. But to reach maximum power, such kindness can permit no exceptions, nor can it be practiced with the expectation of some selfish gain or reward. And its effect is as far-reaching as it is subtle.

In a universe where “like goes to like” and “birds of a feather flock together,” we attract to us that which we emanate. Consequences may come in an unsuspected way. For instance, we are kind to the elevator man, and a year later, a helpful stranger gives us a hand on a deserted highway. An observable “this” does not cause an observable “that”. Instead, in reality, a shift in motive or behavior acts on a field that then produces an increased likelihood of positive responses. Our inner work is like building up a bank account, but one from which we cannot draw at our own personal will. The disposition of the funds is determined by a subtle energy field, which awaits a trigger to release this power back into our own lives.

from Power vs Force, ch.7 pg. 150-151

Dedicate one’s actions

Meaning is defined by context, which determines motive. It is the motive that establishes spiritual value. To dedicate one’s actions as a service of love to life is to sanctify them and transform them from self-seeking motives to unselfish gifts. We define excellence as dedication to the highest standards. Every act can then be held as an opportunity to glorify God by sheer purity of endeavor. All physical tasks and labor can be ingredients in one’s contribution to the world. Even the smallest task can be seen as serving the common good, and if viewed in that light, work becomes ennobled.

How life is contextualized can bring either joy or resentment. Begrudging is replaced by generosity. If others benefit from one’s efforts, so much the better. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to harmony and beauty by kindness to others and thereby support the human spirit. That which is freely given to life flows back to us because we are equally part of that life. Like ripples on the water, every gift returns to the giver. What we affirm in others, we actually affirm in ourselves.

from The Eye of the I, pg. 106-107

The Universe is Highly Conscious

The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.

from Power vs. Force page 122

Devotional Non-Duality Prayer

“Somebody asked that we finish it up with a prayer today, in line with Devotional Nonduality… That which is the Voice of God is Silence. That we sink into the Voice of God, we sink into the Silence, which is indicative of Divine Presence. Behind the thought, behind the thinkingness, is an Infinite Silence, and the Infinite Silence is the source of all existence. And between the thoughts, under the thoughts, is the profound Silence and all we have to do is to become aware of that Silence, all we have to do is become aware of that Silence, by realizing it’s there.

(Pause in Silence)

 Behind all the sounds of the universe, the Silence is forever there. Behind the sounds in the woods, the woods are silent. The sound of the bird doesn’t have anything to do with the Silence. You see, the Silence is maintained even though there’s sound above it. But the only reason you can hear the sound is that it’s against a background of Silence. So the Silence is there, right in the middle of the sound. So, you focus on the Silence, which is ever-present.

In the middle of cacophony and catastrophe, as the bullets are flying around and the planes are crashing, and all hell is breaking loose, there’s nothing but the Infinite Silence. So you identify with that Silence and just maintain awareness. You can go about your daily life and do everything that you need to do and, at all times, still be aware of the presence of the Silence. So that gives you a centering. So, a centering kind of prayerfulness is you’re always aware of the Silence, which is the infinite context. The reality of the Presence of God is an Infinite Silence. And then, that which you hold in mind in that Silence tends to manifest, not as a result of causation, but potentiality manifesting.

And we thank Thee, O Lord for Thy Divine Presence, as the Infinite Silence, out of which arises our existence. Amen!”

– Paraphrased from the end of the August 2006 lecture, “Reason vs. Truth,” DVD Disc 3, ~ 014400-014740

Let Go

As we consistently let go of resisting our fears and allow them to be surrendered, the energy that was tied up in the fear is relinquished and now becomes available to shine forth as the energy of love. Therefore, unconditional love has the greatest power of all, and that love is the power of the celebrated saints.

from Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender pg 95

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