
Even the simplest action, such as peeling a potato, can be accompanied by resentment or by devotion to life out of joy, knowing that one is supporting life through life.  In gratitude for the gift of life, one dedicates that life back as a gift to God through selfless service to His creation as all of life.  With this dedication, one validates the sacredness of all life and treats it with respect.

The Ego is Not the Real You, Part III, pg. 114

Becoming More Conscious

What does it mean, “to become more conscious”? To begin with, becoming more conscious means to start looking for the truth for ourselves, instead of blindly allowing ourselves to be programmed, whether from without or by an inner voice within the mind, which seeks to diminish and invalidate, focusing on all that is weak and helpless.  To get out of it, we have to accept the responsibility that we bought into the negativity and have been willing to believe it.  The way out of this, then, is to start questioning everything.

There are many models of the mind.  One of the most recent has been that of the computer.  We can look at the mind’s concepts, thoughts, and belief systems as programs.  Because they are programs, they can be questioned, cancelled, and reversed; positive programs can replace  negative ones if we so choose.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 4, pg. 55

A Great Opportunity

The mind will get critical and try to save face by ridiculing a higher state.  This is a golden opportunity because this is the very attitude that prevents a person from reaching that higher state of life. The very process of reading this material is invaluable, for it will reveal precisely what the blocks are and exactly why these goals are impossible at the present time.  As resistances, criticisms, and disparagements come up, we can begin surrendering them and letting them go right now in the process of reading about them.  It is a great opportunity to identify the inner blocks to fulfillment.  As Pogo said, “we have identified the enemy, and it is us.”

The Ego is Not the Real You, Part II, page, 54

The Miracle of Creation

The spontaneity of life is an expression of essences interacting effortlessly.  The miracle of Creation is continuous, and all life shares in the Divinity of its Source, for nothing comes into existence except by Divine ordinance.  Once the sacredness of life is revealed, there follows the knowingness of what is meant by the phrase, “Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”

The Ego is Not the Real You, Part III, pg. 92

Be Resolute

Be resolute on the level of absolutely no reservation.  Avoid the lure of the astral realms.  Beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing, for they are attracted to the devotee who is making significant progress.  Do not accept anyone into your life who does not pass the calibratable level of Truth.  Keep your spiritual goal ever in awareness, no matter what the activity.  Dedicate all endeavors to God.  Remember the true nature of God and avoid any teachings that state otherwise.

The Ego is Not the Real You, Part III, pg. 124