Truth is Non-Predictive

Just on the physical level, we saw from the Heisenberg principle that the state of the universe, as it is now, which we can define by the Schrödinger equation, is changed by merely observing it. Because what happens is you collapse the wave function from potentiality to actuality. You now have a new reality. In fact, you have to use different mathematical formulas, like the Dirac equation. So, you’ve gone from potential into actuality. That transformation does not occur without interjection of consciousness. Consequently, a thing could stand as a potentiality for thousands of years. Along comes somebody who looks at it differently, and bang, it becomes an actuality. So the unmanifest then becomes the manifest as the consequence of creation. Therefore, predicting the future is impossible because you would have to know the mind of God, because creation is the unfolding of potentiality, depending on local conditions and intention. You have no idea what intention is. Intention can change one second from now. If the future was predictable, there would be no point to human existence because there would be no karmic benefit, no gain or capacity to undo that which is negative. It would be confined to what is called predestination. Predestination and predictions of the future miss the whole purpose of existence and jump the whole understanding of the evolution of consciousness. There would be no karmic merit nor demerit. There would be no salvation. There would be no heavens. There would be no stratifications of levels of consciousness. We would all just emerge perfectly in a perfect realm. And therefore, there would be no purpose to this life at all.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins, Ch. 6, pg. 102

Note: This book is available through Amazon:  The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins: Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth and Enlightenment: Hawkins M.D. Ph.D, David R.: 9781401964979: Books or Hay House, Inc.: The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins (

Greater Freedom

Spiritual reality is a greater source of pleasure and satisfaction than the world can supply.  It is endless and always available in the present instead of the future.  It is actually more exciting because one learns to live on the crest of the current moment, instead of on the back of the wave (which is the past) or on the front of the wave (which is the future).  There is greater freedom from living on the exciting knife-edge of the moment than being a prisoner of the past or having expectations of the future.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins: 365 Contemplations on Surrender, Healing, and Consciousness, pg. 84

The Capacity to Love

All spiritual pathways and religions emphasize the need for expanding our capacity to love, and this is essentially what the process of surrender is all about.  By removing the blocks to love, the capacity to love self, others, and God is expanded.

Surrender also facilitates the basic teachings of all the world’s great religions.  The essential goal of these teachings is to surrender the “small self,” commonly called “ego.” The letting go technique facilitates the goal of dissolving the small self by using a simple inner process of surrender.  When the small self is transcended, the true inner Self shines forth.  Let us take, for instance, the most common short means of expressions of this surrendering phenomenon as given by most religions.  Typically, they follow this pattern:

Let go and let God

Be still and know that I am God.

Turn your life and will over to the care of God as you understand Him.

Surrender to what is, for God is in all things.

It is obvious that letting go of negativity facilitates the very direction that all religions and spiritual pathways urge us to take.  The process of letting go is concerned primarily with feelings, and we have seen that feelings have a profound effect on our thoughts and belief systems.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 312-313

Lifting the Consciousness Level of Mankind

People think it’s what you do or what you say or how you behave that matters.  No, it’s the consequence of that which you are.  So that which you are, if you sit alone in a cave, is influencing the consciousness level of mankind.  Even if you sit alone in a cave, it radiates out as an energy.  So, each one’s contribution raises the level of the sea.  People will ask me, “What can I do to help the world?” The best thing you can do is become the fulfillment of your own potential, because each inch that the sea rises lifts all the ships afloat.  Now, nobody has enough strength in and of himself to lift a ship, but everybody is contributing.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins, Ch. 3, pg. 44

Letting Go is a Natural Ability

…It is not something new or foreign.  It is not an esoteric teaching or somebody else’s idea or a belief system.  We are merely utilizing our own inner nature to get freer and happier.  When letting go, it’s not helpful to “think” about the technique.  It’s better, simply, just to do it.  Eventually it will be seen that all thoughts are resistance.  They are all images that the mind has made to prevent us from experiencing what actually is. When we have been letting go for a while and have begun experiencing what is really going on, we will laugh at our thoughts.  Thought are fakes, absurd make-beliefs that obscure the truth.  Pursuing thoughts can keep us occupied endlessly.  We will discover one day that we are right where we started.  Thoughts are like gold fish in a bowl; the real Self is like the water.  The real Self is the space between the thoughts, or more exactly, the field of silent awareness underneath all thoughts.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 2, pg. 23-24