Everything Is Perfect As It Is

In the state of acceptance, there is the feeling that nothing needs to be changed. Everything is perfect and beautiful the way it is. The world is to be enjoyed. There is compassion for others and for all living things. In this state we are automatically nurturing and supportive of others without any feeling of sacriļ¬ce. Because of the inner security and feeling of abunĀ­dance, there is generosity and ease of giving, with no expectation of return or record keeping, such as, “Here’s what I am doing for you.” Whenever are in a state of acceptance, we love our friends instead of being critical, and we are willing to love them in spite of their limitations, which we willingly overlook.

from Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender pg. 165

Let Go

As we consistently let go of resisting our fears and allow them to be surrendered, the energy that was tied up in the fear is relinquished and now becomes available to shine forth as the energy of love. Therefore, unconditional love has the greatest power of all, and that love is the power of the celebrated saints.

from Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender pg 95

Discover the Inner Self

Through inner observation, there is the realization of something that remains constant and the same, no matter what goes on in the external world or with the body, emotions, or mind. With this awareness comes a state of total freedom. The inner Self has been discovered. The silent state of Awareness that underlies all movement, activity, sound, feeling, and thought is discovered to be a timeless dimension of peace. Once identified with this Awareness, we are no longer at the effect of the world, the body, or the mind, and with this Awareness come an inner calmness, stillness, and a profound sense of inner peace.

from Letting Go, ch. 17, pg. 254-255

Turn Lemons into Lemonade

“Everybody has their quirks. So easygoing-ness of course is an ideal which most of us find difficult to be that way all the time. So, some of these qualities, the value they have to us is they act like pointers. When something throws you out of easygoing-ness, thatā€™s something in your self. So, all these things are valuable. Therefore, you take what you consider, from a spiritual viewpoint, a negative and you turn it into a positive. Itā€™s like a light going on ā€œLook hereā€ ā€œLook hereā€ “Look here”… So, when youā€™re not easy going, when youā€™re not thoughtful, when youā€™re not tolerant, when youā€™re not calm, etc. then that is pulling up something that you gotta clear.

And how do you clear it. You clear it by looking within yourself and finding it there, owning it, forgiving yourself for it, because everyone is a fallible human being. So the kindness that you show to yourself, the willingness to forgive yourself, then transfers into willingness to forgive others out there.

So, instead of feeling guilt about the negative, what you do is ya turn lemons into lemonade.”

from “Emotions & Sensations” April 2004 dvd

The Presence will sustain us

In an acute catastrophic situation, the mind tries to cling to that which is familiar. It tries escapism, distractions, tranquilizers, drugs and alcohol, and various other ways of trying to ameliorate the situation rather than face it directly and work through it.

The essence of a catastrophic situation is total surrender to the discovery of that which is greater than the personal self. The experiencing through completely of a catastrophe brings us into a connection and a realization that there is something within ourselves that has the power to sustain, no matter how catastrophic the experience appears to be. As a result, we come out on the other side of it as a greater person with the awareness that there is something within, that there is a Presence, a quality, or an aspect of life within that has the power to sustain us through the most seemingly impossible situations.

from Healing and Recovery, ch.8, pg. 256