Realization and Revelation

The relinquishment of the ego’s positionalities reduces its dominance and opens the door for comprehension and awareness that are nonlinear and nonconceptual.Ā  Thus emerges the ‘knowingness’ of the Self by which conflicts spontaneously dissolve.Ā  These inner transformations are accompanied by quiet joy, relief, and a greater sense of internal freedom, safety, and peace.Ā  The power of the Love of the Self progressively predominates and eventually eclipses all negative feelings, doubts, and obstacles.Ā 
Transformation is thus not experienced as the loss of the self but rather as the gain of the emergence and unfoldment of the Self, which is of a much greater dimension.Ā  What actually emerges is a change of state of condition that supersedes and replace the old.Ā  Thus, the lesser is replaced by the greater, by which spiritual evolution reveals the Presence of God as Immanent.Ā  This discovery is the change in the state of consciousness historically referred to as ‘Enlightenment’ or God-consciousness’.Ā 
Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, ch. 14, pg. 284-285



The Human Condition

Before searching ourselves for negative feelings, it is best to remember that these feelings are not our real inner Self. They are learned programs we have inherited from being humans.Ā  Nobody is exempt from them; everyone from the highest to the lowest has or has had an ego.Ā  Even the few who are enlightened had an ego at one time before it was finally transcended.Ā  This is the human condition.Ā  To be able to observe our feelings honestly requires a nonjudgmental attitude.
We first have to be aware of what is really going on inside of us before we can do anything about it.Ā  As we let go of a feeling, it is replaced by a higher one.Ā  The only purpose for recognizing and admitting a feeling is so that we can relinquish it.Ā  To be surrendered means that we are willing to relinquish a feeling by allowing ourselves just to experience it and not to change it.Ā  Resistance is what keeps it there in the first place.
We may think that some of the negative emotions are necessary to us; however, upon examination we will discover that this is an illusion.Ā  The higher emotions are far more powerful and effective in bringing about the fulfillment of our needs.Ā Ā Letting Go, ch. 18, pg. 268.

“No Matter What”

“It is only necessary to institute rather simple procedures and processes that could be likened to ā€˜spiritual engineeringā€™ by which identifying the structures and forces involved automatically reveals the necessary processes required to undo the basic structural functions.Ā 
… A person feels trapped by what is believed to be a worldly goal, such as money, fame, or possessions. With analysis, it becomes clear that it is not the ā€˜thingsā€™ themselves to which one is attracted or attached but primarily the ā€˜juiceā€™ or pleasurable emotional gratification attached to them. It is really not ā€˜winningā€™ that is desired or important but the payoff of the juice of emotional satisfaction itself. Thus, the question arises not whether one can relinquish the desire for wealth and fame but ā€˜could oneā€™ surrender the ā€˜juiceā€™ of the payoff to God. With resistance, the mind may think…Ā  Therefore, the underlying process of resistance is not ā€˜couldā€™ but ā€˜wouldā€™. ā€˜Canā€™tā€™ implies impossibility, whereas ā€˜don’t want toā€™ or ā€˜wouldā€™ implies that the real, underlying resistance is that of unwillingness.
To surrender a goal does not mean to automatically lose it. What is illusive via greed often effortlessly materializes as a consequence of evolving to a higher level of consciousness…
… The mind is often aware of error and character defects, but it lacks the power or incentive to surrender them. Devotion is of the heart and has the strength and motivation to overcome resistances and obstacles beyond the capacity of mere mentalization. An aspect of devotional love is constancy, as well as loyalty and commitment, ā€œno matter what.ā€ Devotion includes fortitude and alignment with endeavor and is like the glue that holds all these aspects together.
Devotion is like an inner valor or fortitude that incorporates courage, willingness, and conviction, together with the knowledge of essential information. It develops wisdom, patience, and forbearance with experience. … By virtue of devotion, there is alignment with inner integrity that results in the self-honesty and conviction necessary to transcend the seduction of transitory emotional payoffs of the intransigent ego.
… the choice is by decision and assent of the inner will, and by this assent, the enormous power of Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers devotion to overcome all obstacles.Ā Ā Ā 
– Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God p. 43-4

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Consciousness […] the Source of Life

I: Reality and SubjectivityIt is of considerable importance to appreciate that it is consciousness itself which is the source of life, and that innate to that consciousness are the qualities of creative growth and evolution which appear to seek a return to its Source. Although consciousness evolves from the ‘bottom up’ in evolution, it was sourced from ‘above to below’. An analogy is sunlight that pours energy onto the Earth upon which life progresses upward from the simplest to the most complex, and finally, through man who, through enlightenment, again returns to the Source of Life itself.”
– Dr. David R. Hawkins, I : Reality and Subjectivity, p. 546