Acceptance of Self and Others

On the level of acceptance, because of the major change in the way we perceive others, we now become aware of the inner innocence behind the frantic, fear-driven struggles that have obscured it in ourselves and in our neighbors, friends, and family.  The great teachers have said that the negativity which we see in a person or in society is really due to blindness, ignorance, and unconsciousness.  This inner innocence, once it is perceived in others, is also perceived in ourselves.  All that we did was done because we just didn’t know better at the time.  If we had known a better way at the time, we would have done it that way.  “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” we say.  We see that same blindness operating in others, and we can look past their character defects and see the innocent child within.

Once we see our innocence, there is an identification with others and a loss of feeling alone and stressed.  We are able to see innocence even behind the most rash and apparently horrible behaviors.  We look inside a person and see the frightened animal that just doesn’t know any better. …

In the state of acceptance, it is possible to forgive our own past, as well as that of others, and to heal past resentments.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 11, pg.167-68

A Paradigm Shift

A paradigm is a whole worldview, and it is only limited by what we view as possible.  As old ways of looking at things are challenged, our worldview begins to stretch and expand.  That which was previously considered to be impossible becomes possible and eventually is experienced as a new dimension of reality.  There is the capacity to look within ourselves to examine our belief systems, ask questions, and seek new solutions.  On the level of courage, we are willing to take self-improvement courses, learn consciousness techniques, and risk the journey within to seek our own true Self, the inner reality.  There is a willingness to experience uncertainty, periods of confusion, and temporary upset because underneath the temporary discomfort, we have a long-term transcendent goal.  The mind that is operating on the level of courage makes such statements as “I can handle it”; “We’ll make it”; The job will get done”; We can see this through”; “All things shall pass.”

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 10, pg. 157-158


With Forgiveness, Relationships Can Be Transformed

With observation, it is quite clear that negative feelings reverberate and boomerang back to us, and profoundly affect our relationships. The other person merely mirrors back what we are projecting onto them. When inner feelings are relinquished, the way in which we see the situation changes, and we are often surprised by the abruptness with which feelings of forgiveness suddenly arise and the relationship becomes transformed, even though on the external level we did or said nothing to express this inner change.

Try this exercise now, by bringing to mind a person in your life that you have an unkind attitude toward.  Write down the negative feelings you have toward this person.  Since this is your journal, honestly express everything you feel in this moment about this person and why.

When you feel that all the negative feelings have been written down and released, at least on paper, look within yourself and see if you sense any higher feelings, perhaps calm, peace, forgiveness, a sense of being okay, or acceptance.

…Note if anything changes in your relationship with this person, now that you have let go of your negative feelings toward them.

The Letting Go Guided Journal: Pgs. 108-109.

Where or When Could Enlightenment Occur?

Q. If there is no reality such as time or here or now, nor a real ‘me’ to become enlightened, how can it be possible?

A: If it were a phenomenon that had to occur at a certain time or place, then indeed it would not be a possibility.  The only explanation is that the state or condition termed enlightenment already is a reality and therefore needs only to be allowed to be a realized in order to prevail.  What already “is” requires no future.  Acceptance is an ever-present option.  Complete surrender to God unveils the Truth.  Nothing is hidden; only the ego is blind.  Reality lies just beyond the mind.  Out of the fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies its only reality that it is everything — the infinite, everlasting Allness out of which existence itself arises.

Truth prevails when falsity is surrendered.  To do this, however, requires great dedication, courage, and faith, which are supplied by divine inspiration in response to surrender.  The trigger is the consent of the Will.

The Eye of the “I”: From Which Nothing Hidden: Ch. 19, pg. 289-290


All Life is Evolving Toward Its Perfection

Everyone is actually doing the best they can with what they have at the moment.  All of life is evolving toward its perfection.

It is possible to forgive our own past, as well as that of others, and to heal past resentments.  When we see the innocence in everyone, we can truly fulfill “loving our neighbor as ourselves.”

It is also possible to see the hidden gift in past events about which we have been resentful – including their possible karmic significance.  From the level of acceptance, it is possible to create a different context from which to view the past and thereby heal it.

    1. Write about a past event or behavior that you haven’t forgiven yourself for:

2.  Can you see your innocence and that you were just doing the best you    could with what your understanding was at the time? Can you apply this to others as well?

The Letting Go Guided Journal: How to Remove Your Inner Blocks to Happiness, Love and Success, Pg. 74-75

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