God’s Love and Will for You

We start with the certainty, knowing. Just know that if you’re spiritually oriented, you will make progress.  Start therefore, with a feeling of security.  Instead of insecurity or self-doubt, know that anybody who wants to evolve spiritually will receive the necessary assistance.  Success is guaranteed.  Get rid of self-doubt, any idea that you’re not worth it, or that you’re not capable of it, or that it’s not the right time in your life. It’s always the right time in your life.  Accept without reservation that you are worthy of the quest.  Be resolved to totally surrender to the truth about God. Surrender to the truth about God, and trust that your spiritual evolution is aligned with God’s will for you. So, always start with a feeling of security instead of self-doubt.  The living proof of God’s love and will for you is the gift of your own existence.  The fact that you are, is the best evidence there is of God’s love and will for you.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins, Bonus Material, pg. 195


We Pray for that Inner Experience of Infinite Love

Everything we do and say, every movement we make, is energized by the lovingness that we have owned within ourselves.  Whether speaking to a large audience or petting the dog, the energy of love is felt to be pouring out.  We want to share what we hold in the heart as an experiential knowingness, and we hold it in the heart for everyone and everything, that they would be feeling it, too.  We pray for that inner experience of infinite love for everyone around us, including the animals.  Our life is a blessing to everything around us.  We acknowledge to others and to our animals the gift that they are to us.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, pg. 26

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I Have a Hard Time with Acceptance…

What do you recommend?

Divert your attention to that which is really essential, experientially.  Some days it rains; some days it’s sunny; some days it’s cloudy.  You can’t change the rain, but you can put on your raincoat.  You can be realistic and take the necessary steps to remain dry.  There are many aspects of life you can’t change, but you can let go of your expectation or need that they be different from what they are.  With observation, for instance, you will notice that there is always a war going on somewhere in the world.  So to be peaceful, it is necessary to accept that waging war is part of human nature and has been throughout all of recorded time.  Mankind has been at war 97% of the time.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 330-331

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Devotion is like an inner valor or fortitude that incorporates courage, willingness, and conviction, together with the knowledge of essential information.  It develops wisdom, patience, and forbearance with experience.  Because of focus, it also develops skill and aptitude for processing the levels of consciousness as they are encountered.  Devotion learns to expect periods of delay or discouragement as well as moments of doubt or fear.  By virtue of devotion, there is alignment with inner integrity that results in the self-honesty and conviction necessary to transcend the seduction of transitory emotional payoffs of the intransigent ego.

The desire to reach Enlightenment is already a Divine gift to be treasured and revered.  “Many are called but few are chosen” could be rephrased as “Many are called but few choose to follow.” Thus, the choice is by decision and assent of the inner will, and by this assent, the enormous power of Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers devotion to overcome all obstacles.

Discovery of the Presence of God, Ch. 1, pg. 45-46

Acceptance of Self and Others

On the level of acceptance, because of the major change in the way we perceive others, we now become aware of the inner innocence behind the frantic, fear-driven struggles that have obscured it in ourselves and in our neighbors, friends, and family.  The great teachers have said that the negativity which we see in a person or in society is really due to blindness, ignorance, and unconsciousness.  This inner innocence, once it is perceived in others, is also perceived in ourselves.  All that we did was done because we just didn’t know better at the time.  If we had known a better way at the time, we would have done it that way.  “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” we say.  We see that same blindness operating in others, and we can look past their character defects and see the innocent child within.

Once we see our innocence, there is an identification with others and a loss of feeling alone and stressed.  We are able to see innocence even behind the most rash and apparently horrible behaviors.  We look inside a person and see the frightened animal that just doesn’t know any better. …

In the state of acceptance, it is possible to forgive our own past, as well as that of others, and to heal past resentments.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 11, pg.167-68