No Greater Calling…

Spiritual Evolution is a lifetime commitment and a way of life by which the world and all experience subserves spiritual intention.  There is no greater calling than to choose to be a servant of God.  With spiritual progress, each increment is of equal importance for, analogously, it is only by the removal of a single brick that an entire wall collapses.  And the seemingly  impossible becomes possible.

Sooner or later, the seemingly miraculous  may begin to appear spontaneously.  It is important to recognize that the phenomena are not of one’s own doing or of the personal self, and that they do not represent some magical ‘power’.  Miraculous events are merely the actualization of potentiality that appears when conditions are appropriate.  One of those conditions is the presence of the energy of a high level of consciousness.  From an even more advanced level of consciousness, it becomes apparent that all phenomena are actually occurring spontaneously as a consequence of the evolution of the universe itself, and therefore not only is life perfect at any moment, but it is also a continuous revelation in which one is a participant/observer.

From Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, ch. 19, pg. 350 – 351

See Yourself as a ‘What’

To accept the inner core of one’s existence as a self-existent reality requires letting go of any definitions of self as a ‘who’ and, instead, seeing oneself as a ‘what’.
The evolution of consciousness is one’s karmic inheritance because it is a quality innate to human consciousness itself. Courage arises from commitment and integrity of alignment and dedication. A valuable characteristic of dedication is felicity, which eventually becomes empowered as a quiet but persistent inner fervor. The value of watchful witnessing is that even just awareness of an ego defect tends to undo it…. Each step, no matter how seemingly small, is equally valuable.
Q: How can meditation persist in one’s daily existence? 
A: By merely constantly posing the question to oneself of ‘what’s’ doing the acting, talking, feeling, thinking, or observing? This is a focus of attention with no languagingThe spiritual teacher Ramana Maharshi called that process ‘self-inquiry’, which he recommended as a technique that was suitable at all times in all activities.
From The Eye of the I p. 247

No Mind

Q: What is the state of “no mind” like?

A: Initially, the awakening into a whole new realm is overwhelming. What is left of the former self is stunned by the massive revelation and the magnificence of the condition. Everything is brilliantly alive, and all is One and startlingly, massively divine. There is, however, also an infinite stillness and peace, a profound sense of having at last returned to one’s real home. No fear is possible. What one really is, is beyond all form and always was beyond all time and space. These realities are self-evident. All thoughts, ideas, and mentations stop and the stillness is everywhere present, all-pervading.

The Self is realized to be now everywhere instead of localized. All human activities and attitudes have ceased. There is no desire for anything. All is known and equally present so there is nothing left to know or know about. All questions are answered so there are none to ask. There is nothing to think about nor would there be a purpose to thinking. All feeling disappears and is replaced by absolute peace.

From The Eye of the I p. 247-248

The Essence of the Spiritual Quest

Q: What is the essence of the spiritual quest?

A: The spiritual quest could be simplified as the task of transcending the limitations of linear, sequential duality created by perception so as to reveal Reality, which is unlimited and nonlinear and therefore nondual.

On a calibrated scale of consciousness, we can see that the weakest levels below 200 have to rely on force as a substitute for power.  As one gets closer to Reality, the power increases exponentially at a rapid logarithmic rate.  The 400s denote the realm of the highest development of the Newtonian paradigm and indicate mastery of the physical domain.  The world of science is unsurpassed in its capacity to comprehend and manipulate the world of materiality.  Science gets us to the moon, but only man’s consciousness gives the feat meaning or significance.  Likewise, joy does not come from figures or statistics but from what they mean.

From Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, Ch 17, pg. 286-7

More Helpful Quotes

Q: “How can we stop judging others?

A. Through compassion arises the desire to understand rather than condemn. With understanding we see that people cannot actually help being other than they are at any given moment. People are generally unaware that they are run by programs inherent in society…”

From The Eye of the I p. 247-248

On this planet are examples of the most savage, degenerate, and cruel acts. Also in mankind are the highest levels of life as represented by the saints, or even those who are enlightened. Thus, between the two extremes, innumerable choices are possible, plus the appearance of ‘time’, during which error and correction have room for the potentiality to be experienced.

… In such a realm, the spirit is free to work out its own fate through decisions and options. The growing soul consistently learns to surrender poor choices and choose wiser ones. The choices are made repeatedly and the lessons are learned until the more mature spirit reaches the certainty that it is going in the right direction.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity p. 396

Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. … The desire to make others happy overrides selfishness. The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so. It is a good beginning practice to merely mentally wish others well in the course of the day. Love blossoms into lovingness which becomes progressively more intense, nonselective, and joyful.

From The Eye of the I p. 253