All Is God

Q: There are contrasting terms and concepts, such as form versus formless, unmanifest versus manifest,  linear versus nonlinear, and duality versus nonduality. How can these be resolved?

A: The resolution is by means of the awareness of the nature of thought.  Perception itself is an illusion; it is like a mirror looking back at a mirror that is looking at a mirror reflecting a mirror.  There are contrasting terms and concepts.  God is both immanent and transcendent, both form and formless, both duality and nonduality, both manifest and unmanifest, both linear and nonlinear.  All is God.

From The Eye of the I: ch. 17, pg. 341-342


Everyone is familiar with resolutions that quickly fail, and changes of behavior turn out to be easier to formulate than to implement.

… Unaided, the mind is too weak and ineffective to bring about major change…

Hopelessness, suffering, and pain, however, may be the final straw that breaks the ego’s back, and in despair, the person invokes the only possible last source of power itself by turning to God, Divinity, and the spiritual domain by whatever name it may be addressed, a “power greater than myself,” and to which surrender accesses a whole new dimension…
The key element to the empowerment of the Will is consent. … The intention then intensifies the emergence of potentiality into experiential existential reality. This is also the mechanism described at length in the famous A Course in Miracles (1975). It is also the critical first step in Alcoholics Anonymous and other faith-based groups that admit, “without God’s help, we were hopeless and helpless” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2000).

Existence as Existence is Total and Complete

.. In Reality, there are no events; there are no beginnings or endings. The backdrop is silent, still, and undisturbed by the movie. One’s reality is the context and not the content. … The movie itself has no intrinsic reality as perceived. The actual locus of the sense of realness lies totally within consciousness as subjectivity. Even if there were such a thing as an independent, objective reality, it would only be knowable because of one’s internal subjectivity.

… God can only be known and not proven. Beyond subjectivity, no world exists. Without the presence of God, nothing could be known or experienced, including one’s own existence. Existence as subjectivity is complete, total, and whole, and it is the very basis of joy. The Self is the Presence of the Source of Existence as the Infinite ‘I’.


… The novelty of sequential experiencing disappears, as do expectation, regret, or the desire to anticipate or control. Existence as Existence is total and complete. All one’s needs are already fulfilled. There is nothing to gain or lose and everything is of equal value. It would be like all movies being equally enjoyable because the pleasure stems from ‘going to the movies’, and the movie that is playing is irrelevant.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity p. 178-180

There Are No Justified Resentments

In the spiritual world, the basic dictum is, “There are no justified resentments.” This statement is abhorred by the ego.  “Oh yeah,” it says, but what about so-and-so?” It then goes through its laundry list and litany of horrors, violations of ‘rights’, injustices, presumptive arguments of ‘ethics’, ‘morality’, etc. Every counselor, sponsor, or professional is familiar with such recitations.  To recover, the question one has to face is whether one wishes to cling to it (and thereby get the ‘juice’) or give it up.  This is the point of decision, without which healing cannot occur.

…Reluctance to forgive is a consequence not only of unwillingness to let go of the ego juice of perceived injustice but also the illusion that others do not ‘deserve’ it.  In reality, it is the forgiver and not the forgiven who benefits the most.

From Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, ch. 2, pg.56-57

Peace is the Truth

There is a shift of perception of the universe and of our relationship to it. The inner Self prevails. The personal self has been transcended, with all of its feelings, beliefs, identities, and concerns. This is the ultimate state sought by all seekers, whether they are religious, humanist, or have no spiritual or philosophical identification at all.
We have all had moments of profound peace where time and the world seemed to suddenly stop, and we have come in contact with the Infinite.
… With continual surrender, we begin to experience these states of peace with ever-increasing frequency.
At times, they may become quite profound and of greater and greater duration. When the clouds are removed, the sun shines forth and we discover that peace was the truth all along. Surrender is the mechanism that uncovers the true nature of our existence.

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